


Language strings in the Statamic Control Panel may be customized, translated, or replaced entirely. Missing translation strings will default to English in the Control Panel (to prevent the translation keys from appearing).

#Language Files

At the time of writing, the following language files are available:

Language Files Description
actions.php Contains language strings for all the actions in the Control Panel.
codes.php Maps error codes to another file's language string.
commands.php Provides translations for various commands and table commands.
config.php Provides translation strings for the Meerkat configuration UI.
display.php Contains language strings for various headers, status messages, etc.
email.php Providers translation strings for automated comment emails.
errors.php Contains language strings for error messages displayed in the Control Panel.
fields.php Provides language strings for CSV export headers.
filters.php Provides language strings for the various filters that appear in the Control Panel.
general.php Provides language strings for general items and branding.
guards.php Provides translation strings for various spam guards. Displayed in the configuration manager.
parser.php Provides translation strings used by the parser under various missing content scenarios.
validation.php Provides translation strings for Meerkat validation messages.