
John Koster Hi, I'm John

Welcome to my website! I started over a decade ago as place to share things I find interesting, or to host random side projects as I create them. I hope you enjoy your visit!

My name is John, and I have over seventeen years of professional software development experience. I've worked on a wide range of projects over the years, from simple websites and critical government reporting applications all the way to high-performance telematics solutions.

Some technical proficiencies include application architecture and design, systems design, API interoperability, and management of high-volume data. A few languages I use everyday are C#, PHP, TypeScript/JavaScript and SQL.

During my downtime, I enjoy working on open-source projects, writing posts on my blog, and contributing to the Laravel and Statamic ecosystems.

I stay busy

Over the years, I've produced a large amount of content and open-source projects in my spare time. I still feel like I'm just getting started!

Some absolutely amazing

The following amazing people help support this site and my open source projects ♥️
If you're interesting in supporting my work and want to show up on this list, check out my GitHub Sponsors Profile.