Default Laravel Classes That Support Macros Nov 21, 2016
Learn about the Laravel classes that support macros. These classes include ResponseFactory for creating responses, Repository for working with cache stores, Str for text manipulation, Filesystem for filesystem interactions, Arr for array manipulation, and Router for route handling.
Laravel Classes That Support Macros Nov 21, 2016
This table lists framework classes that directly implement the __call method and indicates if they support macros. It does not include classes that implement __callStatic. The Illuminate\Cache\Repository and Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder classes support macros. Though the Builder class does not use the Macroable trait, it provides methods for adding and retrieving macros.
Laravel Facades Part Four: Facade Class Reference Nov 21, 2016
Learn about Laravel facades in this four-part blog series. Part one provides an introduction to facades, part two covers how to use facades, part three explains how to create custom facades, and part four offers a reference to the facade classes. Each blog post provides detailed information on default Laravel facades, their corresponding class bindings, and any additional methods they provide.
Laravel Facades Part One: An Introduction to Facades Nov 21, 2016
This article is part of a four-part series on Laravel facades. Facades provide a convenient way to access components in Laravel. Each facade is bound to a component registered in the service container. Facades act like proxies, providing a static interface to an actual class instance.
Laravel Facades Part Three: Creating Custom Facades Nov 21, 2016
This article is part of a four part series all about Laravel facades. It covers how to create a facade class, register it with the service container, and use it in your application. The article also discusses creating a facade alias, which is optional. Examples are provided throughout the article to illustrate the concepts.
Laravel Facades Part Two: Using Facades Nov 21, 2016
Learn about Laravel facades in this four-part series. Part One provides an introduction to facades, while Part Two explains how to use them. Part Three dives into creating custom facades, and finally, Part Four offers a facade class reference. Facades are a convenient way to use static classes that redirect method calls to actual class instances. They allow for shorter and more readable code, though dependency injection is an alternative worth considering.
Laravel Fluent Part One: Introduction Nov 21, 2016
Learn how to work with Laravel's Fluent API in this two-part series. Discover how the Illuminate\Support\Fluent class offers a convenient way to handle data, making it easier to make assumptions and avoid errors. Find out how to access data from arrays and objects using Laravel's helper functions, and see how the Fluent class can simplify your code by allowing you to retrieve data with ease.
Laravel Fluent Part Two: The Public API Nov 21, 2016
This article is part of a two part series covering the Laravel Fluent API. The first part introduces the API, while the second part focuses on the public API. The article discusses the get method which retrieves values from a Fluent instance, as well as the getAttributes, toArray, jsonSerialize, and toJson methods. It also explains how closures work with Fluent and demonstrates how to handle deeply nested data structures when using the toJson method.
Laravel Macros: An Easy Way to Extend Laravel Components Nov 21, 2016
Learn how to use macros in Laravel to add custom functionality and reduce code. Macros in Laravel are similar to extension methods in C#. For example, you can add a countWords macro to the Str support class. Macros can be used in both static and instance contexts and have access to all private and protected members of the class. The Macroable trait provides methods to create macros and check for their existence. A few Laravel components, such as the Eloquent Builder, also support macros.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: data_fill Nov 21, 2016
The data_fill helper function is similar to the data_set helper function, but it does not overwrite existing data. It internally calls the data_set function with the $overwrite parameter set to false. With data_fill, you can set data without worrying about overwriting existing values. The function calls data_fill and data_set in the provided example code would produce the same results.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: data_get Nov 21, 2016
Learn how to use the data_get function in PHP to retrieve values from arrays or objects. Find out how it differs from array_get and object_get and how it can be used with both arrays and objects as the target.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: data_set Nov 21, 2016
Learn how to use the data_set helper function in PHP to set the value of an item in an array or object, using dot notation. You can specify the $overwrite parameter to determine whether existing values should be replaced. See code examples for basic usage and setting nested properties. The function works the same way with objects as it does with arrays.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: dd Nov 21, 2016
The dd() function is a debugging utility in PHP that allows you to dump and display the values of variables. It will provide a human-readable representation of the values and halt the execution of the script. This function is useful for debugging and inspecting variable values during development.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: object_get Nov 21, 2016
The object_get function in PHP allows developers to retrieve properties from an object using dot notation. It is particularly useful when the existence of a property cannot be guaranteed. Examples demonstrate how to retrieve the department name from a sample object, and how to handle cases where a property doesn't exist or to provide a default value for non-existing properties.