Laravel Collection Public API: flatten Nov 29, 2016
The flatten method in Laravel's Collection class allows you to transform a nested collection into a single-dimensional collection. This method does not preserve any keys from the original collection, even for deeply nested arrays.
Laravel Collection Public API: flip Nov 29, 2016
The flip method in Laravel allows you to exchange keys with their corresponding values in a Collection. This can be useful when you need to perform operations based on the values rather than the keys. In the provided example, the $flippedCollection variable will contain a new instance of the Collection class where the original keys have been swapped with their corresponding values.
Laravel Collection Public API: forget Nov 29, 2016
The forget method in Laravel can be used to remove an item from a collection based on a given key or numerical index. It modifies the collection instance it was called on. You can use the forget method to easily remove items from a collection and maintain the collection's structure and integrity.
Laravel Collection Public API: forPage Nov 29, 2016
The forPage method in Laravel is used for implementing pagination over collections. This method takes two parameters: the page number and the number of items per page. It returns a new collection instance containing the items for the specified page. Alternatively, you can achieve similar results using the chunk method, which splits the collection into smaller collections, each containing a specified number of items. Accessing a specific page from the chunked collection can be done using the get method, passing the zero-based index of the desired page.
Laravel Collection Public API: get Nov 29, 2016
The get method allows retrieving an item from a collection using a specific $key. If the $key does not exist, the method can return a default value or evaluate a callback to provide a fallback value. You can also use numeric keys to retrieve items from the collection.
Laravel Collection Public API: groupBy Nov 29, 2016
The groupBy method is used to group a collection based on a given value. This value can be a string or a callback function. By default, the keys of the collection will not be preserved when grouping, but this can be changed by passing true as the second parameter. The method returns a new instance of the Collection class with the grouped items.
Laravel Collection Public API: has Nov 29, 2016
The has method checks if an item exists in a collection based on a given key. It returns true if the item exists and false if it does not. Use it to easily determine item existence in a collection.
Laravel Collection Public API: implode Nov 29, 2016
The implode method in Laravel's Collection class combines the items of the collection together, similar to PHP's [implode]( function. It can be used on arrays of primitive data types as well as arrays of objects and arrays. In the code examples provided, the implode method is demonstrated to combine values with a delimiter, such as combining strings with a hyphen or names with a comma. It can be useful for creating messages for users, like displaying who has recently followed them on a micro-blogging platform.
Laravel Collection Public API: intersect Nov 29, 2016
The intersect method in Laravel removes any values that are not in the provided array. It returns a new instance of the Collection class, preserving any original keys. An example usage of the intersect method is shown, demonstrating how it can filter the original collection based on the intersecting values from another array.
Laravel Collection Public API: isEmpty Nov 29, 2016
Learn how to use the isEmpty method in Laravel's Collection class to check if a collection is empty or not. By using this method, true will be returned if the collection is empty, otherwise false.
Laravel Collection Public API: jsonSerialize Nov 29, 2016
The jsonSerialize method is used internally by the toArray method in PHP's JsonSerializable interface. This interface allows developers to define custom representations of a class when using the json_encode function. In the provided example, a new collection is created and the jsonSerialize method is used to obtain an array of its values. The resulting array would contain the values 'first', 'second', and 'third'.
Laravel Collection Public API: keys Nov 29, 2016
The keys method in Laravel retrieves all the keys of the items in a collection. It returns a new Collection instance. You can use this method to get the keys of both indexed and associative arrays.
Laravel Collection Public API: last Nov 29, 2016
The last method in Laravel's Collection class is used to retrieve the last item in a collection or the last item that matches a specified condition. It takes an optional callback function ($callback) to perform the truth test, and a default value argument ($default) to return when no matching items are found. If the collection is empty, null is returned, unless a default value is provided.
Laravel Collection Public API: lists Nov 29, 2016
The lists method in Laravel is an alias of the pluck method. It retrieves a list of values from a collection. You can specify a property to become the value and another property to become the key in the resulting collection. There is also an example provided demonstrating the usage of the lists method to retrieve product names and versions from a collection. Another example shows how to get a new collection with the version as the value and the product name as the key.