Laravel URL Helper Function: route Nov 21, 2016
The route helper function in Laravel generates URLs for named routes. It takes in the route name, optional parameters, and a flag for generating absolute or relative URLs. You can add additional data to the query string by passing parameters in an array. By default, the route function generates fully qualified URLs, but you can change this behavior by setting the $absolute flag to false.
Laravel URL Helper Function: secure_asset Nov 21, 2016
The secure_asset function in Laravel returns a URI that combines the application's URI with the given path. It always ensures that the resulting URI uses the https:// protocol. It is equivalent to using the asset function with the $secure parameter set to true. However, if the supplied path contains a protocol, that protocol will be used. The same applies if a domain name is supplied to either function - it will be used instead of the current domain in the request.
Laravel URL Helper Function: secure_url Nov 21, 2016
The secure_url helper function in Laravel generates secure, fully qualified URLs to a given $path. It can also include additional data as query parameters. This function internally returns the value of the url helper function. An example usage is demonstrated, showing how to generate URLs with and without query parameters.
Laravel URL Helper Function: url Nov 21, 2016
The url helper function in Laravel is used to generate URLs to a given path or return an instance of the UrlGenerator implementation. It can be called without any arguments to return the UrlGenerator instance or with arguments to generate a URL with optional parameters. Secure URLs can also be generated by passing true as an argument.
A Comparison of the abort, abort_if, and abort_unless Helper Functions Nov 20, 2016
This article provides a comparison of three Laravel application helper functions: abort, abort_if, and abort_unless. While all three functions can cause the application's execution to stop, abort_if and abort_unless offer more readable and concise code. The article includes examples demonstrating the differences in usage. The choice between the functions depends on personal preference and the semantics of the variable names.
Considerations of Using the array_sort Laravel Helper Function Nov 20, 2016
Learn how to use the array_sort function in Laravel, as discussed in our latest blog article. This function internally creates a new instance of the \Illuminate\Support\Collection class and then sorts it using the given callback. However, it is better to use the collection's sortBy method directly instead of creating a new object every time. Check out the article to find out more.
Laravel Application Helper: abort_if Nov 20, 2016
The abort_if helper function in Laravel is used to abort the execution of the application based on a given condition. It throws an exception if the $boolean parameter evaluates to true. This function is commonly used to check for authorization before continuing with the application's execution. An example usage is provided in the code snippet, where the function will abort the execution if the $user object does not have the admin property set to true.
Laravel Application Helper: abort_unless Nov 20, 2016
The abort_unless helper function in Laravel is used to check a condition and abort the execution of the application if the condition evaluates to false. It throws an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException with the specified error code, message, and optional headers. In the provided example, if the value of $user->admin is not true, the code will abort with a 401 error code.
Laravel Application Helper: app Nov 20, 2016
The app function in Laravel gives you access to the Illuminate\Container\Container instance. It is a singleton, which means multiple calls to app() will return the same instance. You can also use app to resolve registered dependencies from the Container instance. For example, to get an instance of the Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager class, you can use app('auth').
Laravel Application Helper: app_path Nov 20, 2016
The app_path function in Laravel returns the full path to the application directory. It can also be used to build paths relative to the application directory. However, it does not automatically add a trailing forward slash to the path. To add a trailing forward slash, the str_finish function can be used.
Laravel Application Helper: auth Nov 20, 2016
The auth helper function in Laravel is used to retrieve an instance of Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory, which is responsible for handling authentication. It is an alternative to using the Auth facade. If no arguments are provided, auth() returns the currently logged in user. You can also specify a custom authentication guard by passing the guard name as an argument. When $guard is set to null, the AuthManager instance uses the default guard specified in the configuration file.
Laravel Application Helper: base_path Nov 20, 2016
The base_path function in Laravel retrieves the path to the directory where the application is installed. It can also be used to construct paths relative to the base path. In the given example, the base_path function is used to retrieve the base path and construct paths for the app and public directories. Note that the function does not automatically add a trailing slash to the path.
Laravel Application Helper: config_path Nov 20, 2016
The config_path function in Laravel retrieves the path to the config directory and can be used to construct paths relative to it. An optional $path parameter allows for specific file paths to be constructed. In this example, the resulting paths are displayed as comments above the function calls.
Laravel Application Helper: database_path Nov 20, 2016
The database_path function in Laravel retrieves the path to the database directory. By supplying a $path, you can construct paths relative to the database directory. For example, calling database_path() will return the path to the /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/database directory, while database_path('migrations') will return the path to the /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/migrations directory. Additionally, the str_finish function can be used to ensure a trailing slash is added to the path, as shown in the example str_finish(database_path('seeds'), '/').