Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: tap Nov 21, 2016
The tap helper function in Laravel allows you to call a callback function with a given value and return the original value. This is helpful when you want to perform multiple operations on a value in a method chain while preserving the original value. The tap function can be used with any type of value and is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to fix the return value of a series of method calls. It was introduced in Laravel 5.3 and can be easily integrated into older Laravel code bases.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: trait_uses_recursive Nov 21, 2016
The trait_uses_recursive function in PHP allows you to fetch an array of all the traits used by a given class or class instance. It includes the traits used by the class as well as any traits used by those traits. This function can be especially useful when you need to understand the structure and relationships between traits in your code.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: value Nov 21, 2016
The value function in this PHP code will return the default value of the supplied $value parameter. If the $value is an instance of the Closure class, the function will execute the closure and return its value. If not, the $value is simply returned. An example with an instance of Closure shows how the function returns the value returned by the closure, while an example without Closure returns the value directly.
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: windows_os Nov 21, 2016
The windows_os helper function checks if the server is running a Microsoft Windows® operating system. By using this function, you can simplify the code and write Windows®-specific commands or instructions separately from non-Windows® code. Eliminate the need for a complex check using substr() and strtolower().
Laravel Miscellaneous Helper Function: with Nov 21, 2016
The with function in PHP simply returns the supplied object. It allows you to invoke methods on new class instances that are passed as function arguments. An alternative to using the with function is to wrap object instantiation within a pair of parentheses. Both techniques achieve the same result, but the with function may enhance readability and clarify intent.
Laravel Router Helper Function: delete Nov 21, 2016
The delete function is used to register a route with the router that will respond to the DELETE HTTP verb. You provide the $uri and the $action that will be executed when the route is matched. The $action can be a closure or a mapping to a controller method. You can also use the Route facade or resolve the router from the application container to achieve the same results.
Laravel Router Helper Function: get Nov 21, 2016
The get function in Laravel is used to register a route that responds to the GET HTTP verb. It takes a URI and an action as parameters, where the URI is the path of the route and the action is what will be executed when the route is matched. The action can be a Closure or a mapping to a controller method. The return value of the get function is an instance of the \Illuminate\Routing\Route class. You can also use the Route facade or resolve the router from the application container to achieve the same results.
Laravel Router Helper Function: patch Nov 21, 2016
The patch function in Laravel is used to register a route that responds to the PATCH HTTP verb. You can specify the URI of the route and the action that will be executed when the route is matched. The action can either be a Closure or a mapping to a controller method. You can use the patch function directly or use the Route facade or resolve the router from the application container to achieve the same results.
Laravel Router Helper Function: post Nov 21, 2016
The post function in Laravel is used to register a route that responds to the POST HTTP verb. You can specify the URI of the route and the action that will be executed when the route is matched. The action can be a closure or a reference to a controller method. You can also use the Route facade or resolve the router from the application container to achieve the same results.
Laravel Router Helper Function: put Nov 21, 2016
The put function is used to register a route that responds to the PUT HTTP verb. You provide the URI of the route and the action that will be executed when the route is matched. The action can be a closure or a mapping to a controller method. The function returns an instance of \Illuminate\Routing\Route. You can also use the Route facade or resolve the router from the application container to achieve the same results.
Laravel Router Helper Function: resource Nov 21, 2016
Learn how to register a resource controller with the router using the resource function in PHP. Customize the $name, $controller, and $options of the route during construction. Find out how multiple individual routes are created behind the scenes.
Laravel URL Helper Function: action Nov 21, 2016
The action helper function in Laravel can generate a URL to a controller action. You can specify the controller action using the $name parameter and pass any required parameters using the $parameters parameter. By default, the generated URL will be an absolute URL, but you can specify a relative URL by setting the $absolute parameter to false.
Laravel URL Helper Function: asset Nov 21, 2016
The asset($path, $secure = null) function in Laravel returns a URI composed of the application's URI and the provided $path. You can specify if the URI should have the https:// or http:// schema by setting the optional $secure parameter. The function is useful for generating asset paths based on the application URI. Examples of different asset paths that can be generated are shown in the code snippet.
Laravel URL Helper Function: elixir Nov 21, 2016
The elixir helper function in Elixir is used to retrieve the path to a versioned Elixir file. It takes two arguments: the name of the file and the build directory (which is optional and defaults to 'build'). To get the versioned path for a file, you would call the helper function with the file name as the first argument. Optionally, you can also specify the build directory by passing it as the second argument.