Laravel Application Helper: storage_path Nov 20, 2016
The storage_path function in Laravel returns the path to the storage directory. If a specific $path is provided, it constructs a path relative to the storage directory. The function does not automatically add a trailing slash to the returned string. To achieve this, you can use the str_finish function with storage_path as its argument. Examples are provided to illustrate its usage.
Laravel Array Helper Function: array_prepend (Easily Add an Item to the Beginning of an Array) Nov 20, 2016
The prepend helper method allows you to add a value to the beginning of an array. You can optionally specify a key for the new item if the array is associative. The method returns a new modified copy of the original array, leaving the original unchanged. Additionally, there is a shortcut array_prepend helper function available in the global namespace that calls the Arr::prepend method.
Laravel Array Helper Function: array_sort Nov 20, 2016
The sort helper method allows you to sort an array based on a given condition. The method iterates over the array and passes each value to a callback function, which determines the sort order. In this example, we create a new array of student test scores and use Arr::sort to sort it by either test score or student name. Additionally, there is a shortcut function called array_sort that serves as a global namespace for calling Arr::sort.
Laravel Array Helper Function: array_where Nov 20, 2016
The where helper method is used to filter an array and create a new array based on a given callback function. It provides the flexibility to filter by both key and value, or just by value, depending on the logic provided in the callback. This method is helpful when you want to selectively extract specific elements from an array. For example, you can filter an array to include only numbers less than or equal to 10, or filter an array to include only students who have passed a test and whose name starts with the letter 'A'. The array_where function is a shorthand for calling Arr::where and is available in the global namespace.
Laravel Array Helper Function: Checking If a Key Exists in an Array or Collection Nov 20, 2016
The exists helper method in Laravel can be used to check if a specified key or index exists in a given array. It is similar to PHP's array_key_exists function. The method requires two parameters: the array to check and the key/index to search for. The method returns true if the key/index exists and false otherwise. The method supports arrays, collections, and other values that return true from the Arr::accessible helper method.
Laravel Array Helper Function: Determining If a Value Is An Array Nov 20, 2016
The accessible helper method determines if a given value is array accessible. In other words, it checks if the value is an array or an instance of ArrayAccess. This is useful for checking if a variable can be accessed using array syntax. The method can be used with various types of values, as shown in the provided examples.
Laravel Array Helper Function: isAssoc (Checking If An Array Is Associative) Nov 20, 2016
The isAssoc helper method can determine if an array is associative or not. According to the provided documentation, an array is considered associative if it doesn't have sequential numeric keys starting from zero. However, in practice, the behavior can be slightly different. For example, [0,1,2,3] is not considered associative, while ['associative' => 'array'] is.
Laravel Helper Function: bcrypt Nov 20, 2016
The bcrypt function in PHP is used to generate a hashed representation of a given value. It accepts an optional array of options which can affect how the hash is computed. Each time bcrypt is called, it will produce a different result, even if the input remains the same. The rounds option can be used to control the number of iterations, with a default value of 10. Increasing the number of rounds will also increase the time required to compute the hash.
Laravel Helper Function: config Nov 20, 2016
The config helper function in Laravel is a versatile function that can be used to access, set, and retrieve configuration values. When called without any arguments, it returns an instance of the Illuminate\Config\Repository class, allowing you to check if a config item exists. If you provide an array as the key, you can set multiple configuration values at once. And when you provide a non-array key, you can retrieve a configuration value, with an optional default value if the key doesn't exist. Use this helper function to conveniently handle your application's configuration.
Laravel Helper Function: cookie Nov 20, 2016
The cookie function in Laravel is used to create a new instance of the \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie class or return an instance of \Illuminate\Contracts\Cookie \Factory. It does not send the cookie to the client, only creates it. The function has seven optional parameters including the name, value, expiration time, path, domain, secure flag, and httpOnly flag. Examples of creating cookies with different options are provided.
Laravel Helper Function: csrf_field Nov 20, 2016
The csrf_field function simplifies the process of generating a hidden HTML element with the CSRF token value. It replaces the need for manually writing the HTML code and can be used in both PHP and Blade syntax. This makes it easier to include CSRF protection in your forms without cluttering your code.
Laravel Helper Function: csrf_token Nov 20, 2016
The csrf_token() function in PHP is used to retrieve the CSRF token from the session storage. The token is a random 40-character string generated using the str_random(40) function. It can be used to enhance the security of HTML forms by including it as a hidden input field.
Laravel Helper Function: decrypt Nov 20, 2016
The decrypt helper function allows you to easily decrypt a given value. It resolves the configured Encrypter implementation and calls the decrypt method on it. Whether you use the Crypt facade or the decrypt helper function directly, the result will be the same.
Laravel Helper Function: encrypt Nov 20, 2016
Learn how to use the encrypt helper function in Laravel to encrypt a given value. This function resolves the configured Encrypter implementation from the Service Container and then calls the encrypt method on the Encrypter instance. Take a look at some example code to see how to use the encrypt helper with the Crypt facade or directly.