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…ple 1.44 : Example 1.44 From our sample data in Example 1.44 , we can see that the foreach tag adds new array keys to our data and returns a modified array. We can rename the key/value names within the resulting array by supplying a value for the...


…tag in our project that shares a handle with a core Statamic tag, our custom tag takes precedence. We'll leverage this feature to collect data whenever certain tags are activated. For instance, we'll be able to identify all collections queried on...


…xample 1.71 While our inline if statement in Example 1.69 can make things difficult to read, we can use an if statement to help produce output similar to that in Figure 1.72 : Figure 1.72: Alternating Template Layouts The template logic to...


…ides a simple, yet powerful asset management queue system to help manage various style and script assets that are not included in the site's main builds. For example, in a page builder setup, we might want to include a JavaScript file to enable...


…order to automatically have future tags and modifiers registered., metadata_rules.php, : Provides rules for removing duplicate metadata tags when using the, {{ se_meta /}}, Antlers tag., metadata.php, : Allows you to manage configuration values...


I'll start this section by saying the gentlement behind Statamic have done a great job: the platform just works for the most part (I will say that if you are developing primarily on Windows, there will be some headache; at this point the vast...


…root namespace (just save it anywhere Laravel and Composer can find it). View composers need to have a method named compose that accepts the $view as its argument. So our view composer looks like this right now: Well, that's boring. We need it to...

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