
Laravel: Implementing a CRYPT_SHA512 Hasher

November 30, 2016 —John Koster

In this article we will create an implementation of Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher using PHP's crypt function and the CRYPT_SHA512 hashing function. Like in the previous sections, we will examine each method before looking at the full implementation.

make($value, array $options = [])

The make method is responsible for doing the actual hashing. It accepts an $options array. We will allow a sixteen character long salt to be supplied using the options array. If no salt is supplied, we will generate one. We will also accept a rounds option, to control the number of iterations the hashing function will perform.

For the actual hashing, we will make a call to PHP's crypt function.

public function check($value, $hashedValue, array $options = [])

The check method is used to check that a known $value is the same as a given $hashedValue. We will not need any options for this method.

For the actual hashing, we will use PHP's crypt function.

public function needsRehash($hashedValue, array $options = [])

The needsRehash method is used to determine if a given hash needs to be updated, or rehashed. We will accept a salt as an option. If the salt from the $options array does not match the salt from the $hashedValue the $hashedValue, or if the rounds from the $options array does not match the rounds from the $hashedValue, the $hashedValue needs to be rehashed.

Sha512Hasher Option Description
salt Users can supply their own four character salt to the make and needsRehash methods. If no salt is supplied for the make method, one will be generated.
rounds Users can give an integer for the make and needsRehash methods to change the number of iterations the hashing function will perform.

The following is the complete implementation of the Sha512Hasher class. Because implementing CRYPT_SHA512 is almost identical to implementing CRYPT_SHA256, and because the Sha256Hasher class gets the value for the hashing function from the protected $shaPrefix variable, we can simple extend the Sha256Hasher class and make a simple change:

3namespace Laravel\Artisan\Hashing;
5use Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher as HasherContract;
7class Sha512Hasher extends Sha256Hasher implements HasherContract
10 /**
11 * The prefix expected by the crpyt function.
12 *
13 * Changed to match the SHA-512 hashing function
14 * prefix that can be found in the PHP docs at
15 *
16 *
17 * @var string
18 */
19 protected $shaPrefix = '6';