Showing 7 of 1,216 result(s)
The singular helper method is the logical opposite to the plural method: it will attempt to take a given $value and return the singular form of that word. The internal mechanisms are similar to the plural method. The signature for the singular...
The slug helper method will format the given $title to resemble a URI slug. It does this through a series of steps: Convert the, $title, to ASCII formatting (using the, ascii, function);, Converts whitespace, dashes, underscores to the,...
The snake helper method replaces all uppercase letters within the string with the lower cased variant prefixed with the given $delimiter . The only exception to this rule is that if the first character of the string is capitalized, it will be...
startsWith does the opposite of ends_with , and has the same rules of use. Instead of checking if a given $haystack ends with any of the supplied $needles , startsWith checks if a given $haystack starts with any of the $needles . The signature for...
The replaceFirst helper method is used to replace the first occurrence of a given $search string with the provided $replace string in the $subject string. All three parameters are required and must be strings. The signature for the replaceFirst...
The replaceLast helper method is the logical opposite of the replaceFirst helper method. It is used to replace the last occurrence of a given $search string with the provided $replace string in the $subject string. ALl three parameters are...
This method will convert the given $value to look like a traditional print title. This method essentially will transform the entire $value to its lower cased equivalent and then uppercase the first character of each word it finds. This method may...