
Laravel MessageBag Public API: keys

November 29, 2016 —John Koster

The keys method is used to retrieve all of keys stored inside the MessageBag instance. The following code example demonstrate the usage of the keys method:

3use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag;
5// Create a new MessageBag instance.
6$messageBag = new MessageBag;
8// Add items to the MessageBag
9$messageBag->add('first', 'First Message');
10$messageBag->add('second', 'Second Message');
11$messageBag->add('third', 'Third Message');
12$messageBag->add('fourth', 'Fourth Message');
14// Get the MessageBag keys.
15$keys = $messageBag->keys();

After the above code has executed, the $keys variable will be an array that contains a value similar to the following output:

1array (size=4)
2 0 => string 'first' (length=5)
3 1 => string 'second' (length=6)
4 2 => string 'third' (length=5)
5 3 => string 'fourth' (length=6)

It can be seen that the results contain only the keys that were added to the MessageBag instance.

#Continue Reading

This article is the start of a mini-series about Laravel's ErrorMessageBag component. Click through the rest of the articles to continue reading:

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