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The signature of the session function is:
To return an instance of the "\Illuminate\Session\SessionManager" class, set the $key parameter to null . If the $key parameter is set to null , the $default parameter is completely ignored.
The session function allows setting session values directly by passing in an array of key/value pairs. The following example demonstrates this: Setting single session values is also possible:
Values can be retrieved with the session function by supplying a $key . To retrieve the test value from the earlier example the function call would look like so: It is possible that a session value does not exist. When this is the case, the...
The signature of the response function is:
The following example demonstrates some of the different methods that are available when the response function is used in this way: The response function can also be used as a shortcut to the ResponseFactory::make method. If any arguments are...
To change the status code of the response simply supply an argument for the $status parameter:
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