Search Report for Statamic

Search Report for Statamic

What Gets Logged

Search Report for Statamic does not log anything beyond the following:

  • id: A unique identifier for the search log itself. This does not have any correlation to the user, nor does it provide a way to uniquely identify an individual user

  • create_at: The date and time a particular combination of search terms was first searched

  • updated_at: The date and time a particular combination of search terms was last searched

  • index: The Statamic search index used to perform the search

  • term: The user's search term. This may include personal information, if the user entered personal information while performing a search on your site

  • site: The Statamic site the search was performed within

Search Report for Statamic does not store each individual occurrence of a user's search, and only maintains aggregate counts of performed search terms. A search log is created for each unique site, index and term combination.