Search Report for Statamic

Search Report for Statamic

The Search Report

Once visitors have made a few searches on your site, you can view them within Statamic's Control Panel by going to "Utilities > Search Report".

The search report view within the Statamic Control Panel.The search report provides a number of fields to help you make sense of your user's searches:

  • Index: The Statamic search index used to perform the search

  • Term: The search term supplied by the visitor

  • Frequency: The number of times the unique index, term, and site combination was searched

  • Subsequent Page Frequency: The number of times navigated past the first page of search results when displaying paginated results

  • Result Count: The total number of results returned by the search term over time

  • Last Searched On: The date and time the search term was last searched

#Clearing the Search Report

You may clear all entries in the search log by running the following command from the root of your project:

1php artisan search-report:clear-search-term-logs

Note: This search-report:clear-search-term-logs command truncates the configured search term log table. Depending on how your database server is configured, the application user may not have permission to perform this operation. Under the conditions, you should consider other options for removing stored search logs.

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