In Laravel

Laravel: Calling Artisan Commands From Your Application

Mar 27, 2014

Learn how to run Artisan commands from within your application's code with this helpful tip. You can use the Artisan::call method to execute commands, and even pass command options as arguments. Keep in mind that when calling commands from your application, the paths are relative to the location of the calling file. You can simplify path management by using Laravel's path helper functions.
Laravel 4: Default Events

Mar 25, 2014

Laravel 4 provides a variety of events that are fired throughout your application's life cycle, such as auth.attempt, auth.login, auth.logout, and more. These events are called in specific files like /Illuminate/Auth/Guard.php and /Illuminate/Database/Connection.php. You can find where an event is called or explore available events in this quick reference. Keep an eye on this page for updates and additional event information.
Laravel 4: Getting User Input

Nov 2, 2013

Learn how to get input from users in Laravel 4 using the Input facade. Find out how to get the value of a specific input element by name, and how to specify a default value if the input is empty. Additionally, discover how to get all of the input values as an associative array using the all() method. Learn how to handle ambiguous input when there are variables with the same name in both a POST request and a URL query parameter. Finally, see how to specify the source of the data you want using the instance() method and access the POST and query data directly.
Laravel 4: Rendering a View to a String

Oct 31, 2013

Laravel 4 provides a way to separate controllers and business logic from the presentation layer through its Views feature. Instead of outputting a view directly to the client, you can render it into a local variable. This is especially useful when you need to further process the view as a string, such as generating a PDF of the web page. Laravel 4's View::make()->render() method allows you to accomplish this.
Getting the Environment Name in Laravel 4

Oct 29, 2013

Learn how to use environments in Laravel 4 to develop your application in a way that responds to its running environment. Environments allow for automatic changes to database servers and cache drivers. Check the current environment in your code using the App::environment() method and perform different actions based on the result.

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