Laravel String Helper Function: snake Nov 16, 2016
The snake helper method in Laravel's Str class converts a string to snake case by replacing uppercase letters with the lowercased variant, optionally separated by a delimiter. The method also trims whitespace from the string being converted. Laravel provides a global snake_case function as a shortcut to calling Str::snake.
Laravel String Helper Function: starts_with Nov 16, 2016
startsWith is a helper method in Laravel that checks if a given string starts with any of the specified values. It is the opposite of the ends_with method and follows the same rules of use. The starts_with function provides a shortcut to calling Str::startsWith and is defined in the global namespace. You can use this method to easily check if a string begins with a specific substring.
Laravel String Helper Function: str_plural Nov 16, 2016
The plural helper method in Laravel is used to return the plural version of a given value. It applies general rules to strings and handles special cases. The str_plural function is a shortcut to calling Str::plural.
Laravel String Helper Function: str_replace_first Nov 16, 2016
Learn how to use the replaceFirst() helper method in PHP to replace the first occurrence of a string with another string in a given subject string. This method requires three parameters - the search string, the replacement string, and the subject string. Explore examples and a shortcut function called str_replace_first() that can be used to call Str::replaceFirst in your code.
Laravel String Helper Function: str_replace_last Nov 16, 2016
Learn how to use the replaceLast helper method in PHP to replace the last occurrence of a string with another string. The method requires three parameters: $search, $replace, and $subject, all of which must be strings. Additionally, there is a shortcut to calling the replaceLast method using the global str_replace_last function.
Laravel String Helper Function: substr Nov 16, 2016
Learn how to use the substr helper method in Laravel, which provides a convenient way to return a portion of a string. Unlike PHP's mb_substr function, substr always uses the UTF-8 encoding. You can specify the start position and length of the substring. Check out examples of how to use this helper method with different parameters.
Laravel String Helper Function: title Nov 16, 2016
This method converts the given value into a traditional print title by capitalizing the first character of each word. It may affect the case of every character in the string. You can use the title helper method or the title_case helper function as shortcuts.
Laravel String Helper Function: ucfirst Nov 16, 2016
Learn how to use the ucfirst helper method in Laravel to capitalize the first letter of a string. This method is useful for handling multi-byte strings, unlike PHP's ucfirst function. See code examples for implementation and combining with the finish helper method.
Laravel String Helper Function: upper Nov 16, 2016
The upper method in PHP's Laravel Framework is used to convert a given value to uppercase. It is the opposite of the lower method and can be used for string comparisons. By using Str::upper('all upper cased'), the string "all upper cased" will be converted to "ALL UPPER CASED".
Laravel String Helper Function: words Nov 16, 2016
Learn how to limit the number of words returned in a string with the words helper method in Laravel. Similar to the limit function, words allows you to specify the maximum number of words you want to display. Check out the code example to see it in action.
Laravel String Helper Functions Nov 16, 2016
Learn about the string helper functions in Laravel that can simplify common string operations in PHP. These functions, found in the static class Illuminate\Support\Str, include useful methods like checking if a string contains a substring, or if a string starts or ends with another string. Laravel's string helper functions treat string values as immutable, meaning that a new, modified copy of the string will be returned from the function. Find out more about these powerful tools in this informative post.
Laravel Translation Helper Function: trans Nov 16, 2016
Learn how to use the trans helper function to retrieve translations in Laravel. The function takes a $key parameter corresponding to an array key, and allows for replacements with the $parameters array parameter. Specify the desired locale with the $locale parameter. Explore examples of using the $parameters parameter to replace placeholders in translations. Remember that the placeholder name in $parameters should not include the : character.
Laravel Translation Helper: trans_choice Nov 16, 2016
Learn how to use the trans_choice helper function in Laravel to pluralize and translate a given string based on a specific locale. This function accepts the $id of the string to be translated and the $number of objects in the collection, as well as optional replacements. Pluralized strings can contain multiple messages separated by the | character, allowing for different messages to be displayed for different numbers. To retrieve the correct message, provide the appropriate $number and any necessary replacements in the function call. Apply this helper function in your Laravel projects to handle pluralization and translation with ease.
Special Cases for Laravel's Pluralization Features Nov 16, 2016
This table lists words and word endings that are not affected by the plural method. Some words already exist in their plural form, while others do not have an inflection available. Additionally, there are some special cases where the method handles the inflection differently for words like "atlas" and "child."