
Laravel Localization: The File Loader

November 30, 2016 —John Koster

The FileLoader is the class that is responsible for loading the translation files from the file system. The language files are loaded from the /resources/lang/ directory by default. The lang/ directory contains the en (English from the ISO 639-1 standard) sub-directory by default. Each sub-directory within the lang/ directory corresponds to a particular locale.

Each locale directory may contain various PHP files returning arrays. These arrays contain a key/value pair, indicating the key of the translation and the value of the language translation. For example, the following is the contents of the /resources/lang/en/passwords.php file:

3return [
5 /*
6 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 | Password Reminder Language Lines
8 |-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 |
10 | The following language lines are the default lines which match reasons
11 | that are given by the password broker for a password update attempt
12 | has failed, such as for an invalid token or invalid new password.
13 |
14 */
16 'password' => 'Passwords must be at least six characters and match the
17 confirmation.',
18 'user' => "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.",
19 'token' => 'This password reset token is invalid.',
20 'sent' => 'We have e-mailed your password reset link!',
21 'reset' => 'Your password has been reset!',

The individual PHP files containing the translation lines are referred to as "groups". So for a fresh Laravel installation, the following groups exist:

Group Name Path
Pagination resources/lang/en/pagination.php
Passwords resources/lang/en/passwords.php
Validation resources/lang/en/validation.php

#FileLoader Public API

The FileLoader implements the Illuminate\Translation\LoaderInterface contract. The LoaderInterface requires two public methods load and addNamespace. FileLoader does not add any extra public methods to its implementation.

#load($locale, $group, $namespace = null)

The load method is used to load the messages for the provided $locale. The load method also requires a $group to be specified. The $group corresponds to the actual file of key/value pairs that should be loaded (such as pagination.php or passwords.php).

#addNamespace($namespace, $hint)

The addNamespace method is responsible for adding a given $namespace to the loader. Each namespace requires a $hint. The $namespace parameter is used to give a name to the namespace, which typically would correspond to a package name, or some other logical organization. The $hint tells the framework where the locale and group files are located for the given namespace. For example, if a directory '/storage/lang_custom/' existed for storing custom language files, the directory path would become the $hint.

#Translation Namespaces

To prevent conflicts between multiple vendors using the same group names for a particular locale, the translator component allows the usage of "namespaces". Namespaces are a way to refer to a specific collection of locales and groups, where collection here refers to a different location on the file system. There is no limit on the number of namespaces that can be created. The translator component always has a * namespace available.

The * namespace refers to any groups that exist within the default /resources/lang directory. Namespaces are separated from the group and language line with the :: character sequence. Because of this, both function calls in the following example will return the same result:

3// The following function calls are assuming the 'en' locale, using
4// the default Laravel translation groups.
6// Retrieving a language value without a namespace.
7$passwordReset = trans('passwords.reset');
9// Retrieving a language value with the default namespace.
10$passwordResetTwo = trans('*::passwords.reset');

After the above code is executed, both $passwordReset and $passwordResetTwo would contain the same Your password has been reset! value.

Adding custom namespaces is simple. Assuming the directory /storage/lang_custom/ exists, it could be added to the file loader like so:

3$loader = app('translation.loader');
4$loader->addNamespace('custom', storage_path('lang_custom'));

The Illuminate\Translation\LoaderInterface can be resolved from the application container using the translation.loader name.

Assuming there was a locale directory en with the following passwords.php group file:

3return [
5 'reset' => 'This is a custom reset message.',

The value for reset can be retrieved from the custom namespace like so:

3$defaultReset = trans('password.reset');
4$customReset = trans('custom::password.reset');

After the above code is executed, the $defaultReset variable would have the value Your password has been reset! and the value of $customReset would be This is a custom reset message..