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Laravel Artisan Tinker: The buffer Command

Dec 7, 2016

The buffer command in JavaScript is useful for viewing the contents of a multi-line expression without interrupting the input process. It allows you to easily check what you have typed so far. You can also use the --clear option to clear the current buffer if needed. Check out the example session provided to see how it works.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The clear-compiled Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to clear the compiled classes and services application cache with the clear-compiled command. This command will remove the compiled.php and services.php files located in bootstrap/cache/ directory. It's equivalent to the php artisan clear:compiled command.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The doc Command

Dec 7, 2016

The doc command in Laravel allows you to view the documentation for various objects, classes, constants, methods, functions, and properties. It accepts the name or reference to the item as its argument. This command is particularly helpful due to Laravel's extensive code documentation. For example, you can easily access the documentation for the config helper function or the $table property on an Eloquent model using doc.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The down Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to put your application into maintenance mode using the down command. By creating a file named down in the framework storage path, you can ensure your application is temporarily unavailable. Discover how this command parallels the php artisan down command.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The dump Command

Dec 7, 2016

The dump command in Laravel's Tinker REPL is used to display information about a variable or class instance in the console window. It utilizes Symfony's VarDumper console component. The dd helper function is also available in Tinker, providing useful output in the context of a Laravel application.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The env Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the env command in Laravel to retrieve the name of the current framework environment. The environment name is specified in the .env file and can be accessed using the APP_ENV entry. This command is similar to php artisan env.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The history Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the history command in the Tinker REPL session to retrieve previously entered commands. With its options, you can easily search, replay, and even save commands to a file. Check out this example session and explore the various options available to streamline your workflow.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The ls Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the ls command to obtain information about variables, constants, functions, classes, interfaces, traits, properties, and methods in PHP. Discover how to use the ls command without any options to list defined variables in the current scope. Understand that the ls command can be used to inspect object instances to learn about their properties and methods. Find out that using the ls command with non-object types will result in an error. Explore an example using the ls command on an Eloquent model instance to display class constants, properties, and methods. Discover that the ls command offers various options and filters to narrow down the output, such as viewing only properties of an Eloquent model.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The migrate Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the migrate command in Laravel to run migrations against the database. With options like --database to specify the database connection, --force to run migrations in a production environment, and --pretend to display SQL queries instead of running migrations, this command provides flexibility. Additionally, you can use flags like --seed to execute the db:seed command after running migrations and --step to increment the migration's batch number for rollback purposes.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The optimize Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the optimize command in Laravel to improve the performance of your application. This command offers two flags: --force to write the compiled class file, and --psr to disable the optimized class map loader. The compiled files cache is stored in bootstrap/cache/compiled.php. Find out how to implement these options in your development environment and increase the efficiency of your Laravel application.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The show Command

Dec 7, 2016

The show command allows you to view the code behind functions, classes, objects, constants, methods, and properties in Laravel. It can be used to see the code for a specific function, like the can method in an Eloquent model, or for functions in the global namespace, like the dd helper function. You can even use it to see the entire class definition, such as when viewing the code behind a default Eloquent model like App\User.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The throw-up Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the throw-up command in Tinker to re-throw exceptions out of a REPL session. This command can be used to throw the last occurred exception or a specific exception instance. Get started with this helpful feature today.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The trace Command

Dec 7, 2016

The trace command in Laravel allows you to show the current call stack. By default, it displays the last 10 lines of the call stack. However, you can customize the number of lines displayed using the -n option. For example, to show the last 20 lines, you can use the -n20 option. And if you want to view a specific range of the call stack, you can provide an option like -n5-20.
Laravel Artisan Tinker: The up Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to take an application out of maintenance mode using the up command. This command removes the down file from the application's storage directory. Find out how to quickly execute the php artisan up command for the same purpose.

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