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Laravel Artisan General Command: The optimize Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to optimize your Laravel application's performance using the optimize command. This command offers two flags: --force, which writes the compiled class file even in debug mode, and --psr, which skips creating an optimized class map loader for better performance. The compiled files cache is written to bootstrap/cache/compiled.php. Examples of using the optimize command include generating a compiled class file with default options, excluding Composer autoload files, and running it on a development or debug machine. When using the --psr flag, the composer dump-autoload command is executed, while without it, composer dump-autoload -o is called.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The serve Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the serve command in Laravel to run your application using the PHP development server. This command is particularly useful for development and testing purposes. You can customize the server address and port by using the optional host and port options. Note that when using HHVM, it must be at least version 3.8.0 to use the internal development server. Check out the examples provided to get started quickly.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The tinker Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the tinker command in Laravel to start an interactive language shell for your application. With the tinker command, you can include external files and autoloaders before the shell loads completely. Use exit to exit the shell. See an example of loading a file into the interactive shell and how to use the command to load multiple files. Take advantage of the tinker command to interactively test and explore your Laravel application.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The up Command

Dec 7, 2016

The up command is employed to remove an application from maintenance mode by deleting the down file from the framework storage directory. To execute this command, simply run php artisan up.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:auth Command

Dec 7, 2016

The make:auth command in Laravel can quickly generate login and registration views, a basic HomeController controller, and authentication routes. By default, it generates all the necessary files for authentication, including views and a controller. However, you can use the --views flag to only generate the view files. It's important to note that running this command will overwrite any changes made to existing view or controller files with the same name. To execute the command, you can use php artisan make:auth or php artisan make:auth --views to generate only the views.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:command Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to generate new command classes using the make:command command in Laravel. This command will create a new class in the app/Console/Commands directory based on the supplied name argument. You can also use the optional --command option to assign a terminal command name. In previous versions of Laravel (before 5.3), the command was named make:console. Check out the provided examples to see how to use the command for different scenarios, such as creating a command to quickly uninstall the application or generating a namespaced class.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:controller Command

Dec 7, 2016

The make:controller command in Laravel quickly generates a new controller class file in the specified directory. You can provide a name for the controller, and an optional --resource option can generate a resourceful controller. Existing controllers with the same name will not be overwritten. The command can also generate namespaced classes by separating namespace sections using \ .
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:event Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to generate a new event class using the make:event command in Laravel. This command requires the name parameter, which will be the name of the new class. By default, the generated classes will extend the App\Events\Event class. However, please note that this may vary if the root namespace of the application has been changed. Find an example of creating a new OrderWasCanceled event class and its file location. Keep in mind that this command does not update the $listen mappings in the app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php service provider.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:job Command

Dec 7, 2016

The make:job command in Laravel is used to create a new job class. You need to provide a name for the class and file. By default, the created job is asynchronous, but you can make it synchronous by using the --sync flag. Job classes are stored in the app/Jobs directory. Synchronous jobs do not implement the ShouldQueue interface. Namespaced classes can be generated by separating the namespace sections using \ in the job name. A nested directory will be created with the correct namespace for the class.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:listener Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to generate a new event listener class using the make:listener command in Laravel. Provide a name for the class and specify the event option to indicate which event class the listener is for. Additionally, you can use the --queued flag to create a queued listener. After executing the command, a new class file will be created with the specified name in the app/Listeners directory, implementing the necessary interface and trait for queued listeners. Please note that you need to manually update the $listen mappings in the app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php service provider.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:mail Command

Dec 7, 2016

The make:mail command in Laravel is used to generate a new mail class. To generate a new class, you need to provide a name parameter that will be used as the name for the newly generated class. For example, running the command php artisan make:make UserSubscribedMail will create a new mail class named UserSubscribedMail in the app/Mail directory. However, if the provided class name already exists, an error will be thrown. This command is also capable of handling nested namespaces and directories by using the directory separator when specifying the class name.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:middleware Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the make:middleware command in Laravel to effortlessly generate middleware classes. Specify the desired name for the class and file, and the command will create them in the appropriate directory. If a middleware class with the same name already exists, an error message will be displayed. Furthermore, you can generate namespaced classes by separating the namespace sections with backslashes (\). The command will create a nested directory and set the correct namespace for the generated class.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:migration Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the make:migration command in Laravel to generate new migration classes for database changes. You can use options like --create to create a new table or --table to modify an existing one. By default, migrations are stored in the database/migrations directory, but you can specify a different directory using the --path option. The make:migration command allows you to easily manage your database changes and run them when needed.
Laravel Artisan Generator Command: The make:model Command

Dec 7, 2016

The make:model command in Laravel generates new Eloquent model classes. You can provide a name for the model, and it will create a corresponding class and file in the app/ directory. You can also generate a migration file for the model using the --migration flag or -m shortcut. If a model with the same name already exists, it will not be overwritten and an error will be displayed. Namespaced classes can also be generated by separating namespace sections with \.

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