Customizing The Laravel Artisan Application Dec 7, 2016
Learn how to customize and modify Laravel's Artisan console application to better suit your needs. By extending Symfony's console application, you can make changes to the default command, application name, and version string. Discover where the console application is invoked and brought in, and override the getArtisan method to customize the console application instance. You can change the application name and version number to reflect your own branding. Additionally, you can modify the default command that is executed when no specific command is specified. These modifications are useful for creating a customized experience for your clients and maintaining branding consistency.
Laravel Artisan Cache Command: The cache:clear Command Dec 7, 2016
Learn how to clear the cache files of your application using the cache:clear command in Laravel. You can optionally specify the cache store to clear using the store parameter. Check out the examples to see how to use the command.
Laravel Artisan Cache Command: The cache:table Command Dec 7, 2016
Learn how to create a new migration for the cache database table using the cache:table command in Laravel. This table is necessary for the database cache driver. The migration creates a cache table with specific properties. Remember to change the table name in additional migration files to avoid errors when running the migrate command.
Laravel Artisan Closure Based Commands Dec 7, 2016
Learn about the new shorthand syntax introduced in Laravel 5.3 to simplify writing Artisan commands. The command method in the console kernel allows you to define commands with a signature and a callback function. The signature defines the input requirements, and the callback function has access to the underlying ClosureCommand instance. You can also set a description for the command using the describe method. Additionally, you can register commands using the console.php file in the routes directory.
Laravel Artisan Config Command: The config:clear Command Dec 7, 2016
The config:clear command is used to delete the configuration cache file created by config:cache. It will remove the bootstrap/cache/config.php file by default. Use the php artisan config:clear command to clear the configuration cache.
Laravel Artisan Custom Styles: Custom Progress Bar Styles Dec 7, 2016
Learn about how to customize console progress bars in Laravel commands. Progress bars in Laravel commands are instances of the Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar class and inherit styles from Symfony's console styles. The default styles differ based on the operating system. The diagram in the article explains the default Windows and Unix-like system styles and the components of a console progress bar. Progress bar formats use placeholders like current, max, bar, percent, elapsed, remaining, estimated, memory, and message to control appearance. Various examples demonstrate how to set formats and customize components like bar character, empty bar character, progress character, and bar width. Other methods like getBarCharacter, getEmptyBarCharacter, getProgressCharacter, setEmptyBarCharacter, setProgressCharacter, setBarWidth, and setMessage are also explained. This article is a valuable resource for anyone looking to customize console progress bars in Laravel commands.
Laravel Artisan Database Command: The db:seed Command Dec 7, 2016
The db:seed command is used to automatically add records to a database using a Seeder class. You can specify a specific seeder class, database connection, or force the seed to run in production. Examples of how to use the db:seed command are provided.
Laravel Artisan Event Command: The event:generate Command Dec 7, 2016
The event:generate command in Laravel allows you to automatically generate missing events and listeners based on your event service provider. It creates the necessary event and listener classes for you, which are stored in specific files. This command does not overwrite any previously generated classes and can be run multiple times. Alternatively, you can manually generate the event and listener classes using the make:event and make:listener commands, providing the event class and its associated listener class respectively.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The clear-compiled Command Dec 7, 2016
Learn how to use the clear-compiled command to clear the compiled classes and services cache in your Laravel application. The command, when run, deletes the compiled.php and services.php files from the bootstrap/cache/ directory. Execute the command php artisan clear-compiled to remove these files if they exist.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The clear-resets Command Dec 7, 2016
The auth:clear-resets command in Laravel is used to remove expired password reset tokens from the database. It has an optional name parameter to specify the password broker to clear tokens for. Two examples of using this command are shown. Running auth:clear-resets will delete expired tokens for the default password broker. This command is handy to keep the password_resets table clean.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The config:cache Command Dec 7, 2016
Learn how to improve the performance of your Laravel application by using the config:cache command. This command clears the existing configuration cache and generates a new cache file, resulting in faster loading of configuration values. Find out where the configuration cache file is located and how to run the command.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The down Command Dec 7, 2016
Learn how to put your Laravel application into maintenance mode using the down command. This command creates a file called down in the designated storage path, signaling maintenance mode. Easily execute this command with php artisan down.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The env Command Dec 7, 2016
Learn how to use the env command in Laravel to retrieve the name of the current framework environment. The environment name is determined by the value set in the .env file, particularly the APP_ENV entry. Execute php artisan env to see the current environment.
Laravel Artisan General Command: The name Command Dec 7, 2016
The app:name command in Laravel is used to update the application namespace. By running php artisan app:name, you can change the namespace for your Laravel application. This command accepts one argument, which is the new name of the application namespace. For example, if you run php artisan app:name LaravelArtisan, the namespace in the files such as Controller.php will be updated to LaravelArtisan\Http\Controllers.