Template Resolver for Statamic

Template Resolver for Statamic

Installation and Overview

Template Resolver for Statamic is a simple utility addon, intended to be used by other addons. It provides a simple utility for selecting and rendering a template based on an entry's blueprint and collection, with support for a fallback default template.

Example use-cases:

  • Selecting templates dynamically to generate social media images from HTML,

  • Generating HTML documents on-the-fly, without requiring network requests to the site,

  • Anything where you need to support customizable templates based on an entry's blueprint/collection details


Template Resolver for Statamic may be installed into a Statamic site by running the following command from the root of the project:

1composer require stillat/statamic-template-resolver

#How to Use

You need to create an instance of StringTemplateManager, and supply the directory to search for templates in.

3use Stillat\StatamicTemplateResolver\StringTemplateManager;
5$manager = new StringTemplateManager(
6 resource_path('views/social_media_images')

Once you have a StringTemplateManager instance, you can check if a template exists for a given collection/blueprint combination:

3// ...
5if ($manager->hasTemplate($collection, $blueprint)) {
6 // The template exists.

The hasTemplate method will return true if a specific template or the default template exists. To create a default template, create a file named _default.antlers.html or _default.blade.php at the root of the template folder.

In our example, the default template would need to be placed here:


Specific collection/blueprint templates are stored within a nested directory structure using the following format:


For example, if we had a blog collection, with a post blueprint, we could create a specific template at the following location:


This library supports the following extensions:

  • .antlers.html: Renders the template using Statamic's Antlers templating engine

  • .blade.php: Renders the template using Laravel's Blade templating engine

To render a template with data, we may use the render method:

3// ...
5$results = $manager->render(
6 'colllection_handle',
7 'blueprint_handle',
8 $data

The render method will return null if a template could not be found; $data is provided as an array, and is required.

We may also optionally modify the template before rendering it by supplying an optional callable as the fourth argument:

3// Modify the template before its rendered.
4$results = $manager->render(
5 'collection_handle',
6 'blueprint_handle',
7 $data,
8 function ($template, $data) {
9 return mb_strtoupper($template);
10 }

The modifying callable will receive the unmodified template contents as its first argument, and the original data array as the second.

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