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This article is part of a two part series covering the Laravel Fluent API. The articles in this series are: Laravel Fluent Part One: Introduction, Laravel Fluent Part Two: The Public API The following sections will highlight the usage of the...


Update You can view the completed part two of this article by visiting Part Two: Creating a Custom Pagination View in Laravel In this post we are going to look at building a custom paginator view in Laravel 4. There are quite a few posts are the...


The command signature feature was introduced in Laravel version 5.1. In older versions of the framework the instance methods getArguments and getOptions were used to define the input expectations for commands. Both methods were expected to return...


…icely. Using Kint, you can look at a well organized representation of your arrays, objects, error messages and exceptions. Anything that var_dump() accepts, really. Here is a shot of it displaying the $_SERVER array: While Kint is not really part...


So, a while ago I wrote this post about working with Laravel and Kint. It works, but it can be a pain to manage through composer updates (losing your lock file, whatever happens), Laravel upgrades, it doesn't matter. The problem is that sometimes...


…provided data types. Operations such as checking if a particular string contains a substring, or if a string starts or ends with another string are not impossible, nor are they difficult, they just appear over-complicated or obscure. Luckily for...


base_path($path = '') The base_path function can be used to retrieve the path to the directory the Laravel application is installed in. It can also be used to construct paths relative to the base path by supplying a $path . The following examples...

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