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…or:publish --tag=statamic-site-essentials-config This command will publish many configuration files to your project's config/site_essentials folder. If you do not plan on customizing the config/site_essentials/templating.php configuration file,...


…a @livewire directive, and save the component in our new directory. In app/Joule/Compiler.php : Whenever we compile a new <v-volt /> , we add it to the compiler's internal $components array. Before we return our compiled result, we iterate each...


…tThrowable variable we created in the previous section. Additionally, we are using PHP's get_class function to add a string variable containing the class name of the error. If we were to refresh the sample error page we created earlier, the...


…nt with a, @livewire, directive to load them in. We get steps 1 and 2 for free by using the Blade parsing library; let us start working on step 3, which is to iterate our custom Blade components and create a class-based Volt component. Let's look...


…some rather interesting output: Example 1.35 Our fourth article does not contain a title variable, and our output instead displays the value "Page Title." This behavior can be confusing initially, especially if you anticipated the value being...


…c components of the progress bar is the bar character, the progress character and the empty bar character. By default the progress character is set to an empty string on Unlike-like systems and does not appear in the above diagram. The diagram...


This post will explain how to modify the hosts file on a Windows machine (this post will work for Windows Vista and newer). There are a few different reasons you may need to modify the hosts file, and the most common reason I have seen so far is...