
Showing 7 of 1,216 result(s)


response($content = '', $status = 200, array $headers = []) The response helper function is a useful function that can be used to accomplish two different tasks. If no arguments are supplied to the response function, an implementation of...


prepend($array, $value, $key = null) The prepend helper method is used to push a new $value onto the beginning of an existing $array . It defines one optional parameter: $key . If an argument is supplied for $key , the new item will be given that...


sort($array, callable $callback) The sort helper method will allow you to sort the given $array based on some condition returned by the $callback . The method works by iterating over all the values in the $array and passing the values it finds...


where($array, callable $callback) The where helper method is functionally similar to the pluck method, in that both take a source $array and filter it to produce a smaller array. It works by iterating over each element in the $array and executing...


exists($array, $key) The exists helper method is similar to PHP's array_key_exists function in that in can be used to check if the given $key or index exists with the provided $array . The exists method defines two parameters, and both are...


accessible($value) The accessible helper method is used to determine whether the given $value is array accessible. A value $value is array accessible if the value is an array or an instance of ArrayAccess . The following examples demonstrate the...


isAssoc(array $array) The isAssoc helper method can be used to determine if a given $array is an associative array or not. The provided documentation for the isAssoc method states that an array is associative if it does not have sequential numeric...

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