Laravel ViewErrorBag Public API: getBags

November 29, 2016 —John Koster

The getBags method is used to return an associative array containing all the MessageBag instances that are currently stored within the ViewErrorBag instance.

3use Illuminate\Support\ViewErrorBag;
4use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag;
6// Create a new ViewErrorBag instance.
7$viewErrorBag = new ViewErrorBag;
9// Create a new MessageBag instance.
10$messageBag = new MessageBag([
11 'username' => [
12 'The username is required.'
13 ]
16// Add some message bags to $viewErrorBag
17$viewErrorBag->put('formErrors', $messageBag);
18$viewErrorBag->put('paymentErrors', new MessageBag);
20// Get the message bags as an array.
21$messageBags = $viewErrorBag->getBags();

After the above code has executed, the $messageBags variable would be an array and contain a value similar to the following output:

1array (size=2)
2 'formErrors' =>
3 object(Illuminate\Support\MessageBag)[142]
4 protected 'messages' =>
5 array (size=1)
6 'username' =>
7 array (size=1)
8 ...
9 protected 'format' => string ':message' (length=8)
10 'paymentErrors' =>
11 object(Illuminate\Support\MessageBag)[143]
12 protected 'messages' =>
13 array (size=0)
14 empty
15 protected 'format' => string ':message' (length=8)

#Continue Reading

This article is part of a mini-series all about Laravel's View Error Bags. Each of these articles can be found here:

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