
Showing 7 of 1,216 result(s)


Any words, or word endings, in the following table will not be affected by the singular method. This is either because the resulting word is already singular, or because there is no inflection available. Word endings are denoted by the prefix * :...


The Collection class exposes a generous public API, consisting of, at the time of this writing, 64 public methods. The Collection API exposes methods for retrieving values from a collection, transforming the underlying array, pagination and simple...


The Blade formatter will extract the relevant PHP from Blade templates and place them in a temporary file to supply to Laravel Pint. By default this directory is located at node_modules/prettier-plugin-blade/_temp . Temporary files are...


The first difference is in how the parser parses structures, such as a simple echo containing ambiguous characters: 1 {{ 'hello {{ world }} ' }} The previous example results in the following compiled output: 1 <?php 2   3 // Laravel Compiler...


…er\Document\Document ; 4   5 $template = <<<' BLADE ' 6 Hello, {{ $world }} 7 BLADE ; 8   9 $document = Document :: fromText ($template); Document Static API An important thing to note about the Document static API is that internally it will use...


…paired correctly with an @endverbatim directive. Parser errors will not cause the parsing process to fail. Instead, parser errors are collected internally. We can retrieve them from a parser instance by calling the getErrors method, which returns...


…so possible to disable the parsing of all known core directives. The following demonstrates one of the simplest ways to use the parser: 1 <?php 2   3 use Stillat\BladeParser\Parser\DocumentParser ; 4   5 $template = <<<' BLADE ' 6 @if...

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