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The check method will validate a given $value against a previously generated $hashedValue . The $options parameter is not utilized in Laravel's Bcrypt implementation. The $value must be the plain text value to check, and the $hashedValue should be...


…n applications built with client-side MVC frameworks often see the role of PHP change to just interacting with server-side data storage. Let's take another look at this process with a diagram. In this diagram, we will assume the user is going to...


…g and testing our honeypot feature. For our example, we do not need anything overly complicated to build and test our honeypot's functionality; the following Blade template will be all that we need for now: In our sample template, on line 9, we...


In this article we will create an implementation of Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher using PHP's crypt function and the CRYPT_EXT_DES hashing function. Like in the previous section, we will examine each method before looking at the full...


In this article we will create an implementation of Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher using PHP's crypt function and the CRYPT_SHA256 hashing function. Like in the previous sections, we will examine each method before looking at the full...


In this article we will create an implementation of Illuminate\Contracts\Hashing\Hasher using PHP's crypt function and the CRYPT_SHA512 hashing function. Like in the previous sections, we will examine each method before looking at the full...

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