Laravel 5 Collections: Removing a Portion of a Collection With splice Apr 22, 2018
The splice method in Laravel's Collection class allows you to remove a section of a collection and return the removed items as a new collection. It takes three parameters: $offset, $length, and $replacement. The $offset determines where to start removing items from the collection, and the $length controls how many items to remove. If provided, the $replacement parameter can be used to replace the removed items with new items.
Laravel 5 Collections: Removing Collection Elements With forget Apr 22, 2018
The forget method in Laravel's Collection class removes an item from the collection based on a given key. It modifies the original collection instance and returns a reference to it. A code example demonstrates how to use the forget method to remove an item from a collection, either by passing a string key or a numerical key.
Laravel 5 Collections: Retrieving a Portion of a Collection With slice Apr 22, 2018
The slice method in Laravel is used to return a portion of a collection starting at a given offset. The offset determines where to start when creating the new collection, and it can be positive or negative to start from the end of the original collection. The method returns a new instance of the Collection class without modifying the original collection. The slice method is similar to PHP's array_slice function. There is also an optional length parameter that allows developers to control the size of the returned Collection. Additionally, developers can choose to preserve the keys of the returned collection by passing true as the argument for the preserveKeys parameter.
Laravel 5 Collections: Retrieving a Specified Number of Items From a Collection With take Apr 22, 2018
The take method in Laravel's Collection class allows you to retrieve a specified number of items from the collection. By providing a positive limit, you can retrieve items from the beginning of the collection, whereas a negative limit will return items from the end. This method returns a new Collection instance and does not modify the original collection.
Laravel 5 Collections: Retrieving a Subset Of a Collections Elements With only Apr 22, 2018
The only method in Laravel is used to return key/value pairs from a collection where the keys are present in the supplied $keys array. If $keys is null, a copy of the original collection is returned. For example, you can use only to retrieve only the first_name and last_name from a collection of users.
Laravel 5 Collections: Retrieving Collection Element Values With pluck Apr 22, 2018
The pluck method in Laravel allows you to retrieve a list of values from a collection. It takes two parameters: $value to specify the property to become the value in the resulting collection, and $key to specify the property to become the key in the resulting collection. You can use pluck to easily extract specific data from a collection, such as product names or versions. Additionally, you can also create a new collection with the version as the value and the product name as the key.
Laravel 5 Collections: Retrieving Collection Elements At a Specific Interval With nth Apr 22, 2018
The nth method in PHP allows you to retrieve elements from a collection at a specific interval. By specifying the step and offset, you can get every nth element starting from a given index. If a step of 1 and an offset of 0 are used, the original collection will be returned. For example, you can use the nth method with the range function to retrieve both even and odd numbers between 1 and 10.
Laravel 5 Collections: Retrieving Collection Elements With all Apr 22, 2018
The all method in Laravel's Collection class retrieves the underlying array used to hold the collection's data. It returns an array with the same key-value pairs as the collection. Nested collections are also preserved. To convert the nested collections to arrays, use the toArray method.
Laravel 5 Collections: Retrieving Collection Elements With get Apr 22, 2018
The get method in Laravel's Collection class retrieves an item from a collection based on its key. It can also return a default value if the key doesn't exist in the collection. Additionally, you can pass a callback as the default value. The method can also retrieve items based on numeric keys.