Laravel 5 Collections: Getting the Last Collection Element With last Apr 22, 2018
The last method in Laravel's Collection class is used to retrieve the last item in a collection or the last item that matches a given condition. You can pass a callback function to define the condition for matching. If the collection is empty, the method will return null, unless a default value is provided.
Laravel 5 Collections: Grouping Collection Elements With groupBy Apr 22, 2018
The groupBy method in Laravel is used to group a collection based on a given value. The value can be specified as a simple string or a callback function. By default, keys are not preserved during grouping, but this can be changed by passing true as an argument. The method returns a new instance of the Collection class. Examples are provided to demonstrate how groupBy can be used with different parameters.
Laravel 5 Collections: Merging Multiple Collection Values With merge Apr 22, 2018
The merge method merges the given items with the items in the collection. It replaces any item in the original collection if a string key with the same value exists in the supplied items. If the item keys are numeric, the new items will be added to the end of the collection. The merge method can accept either an array or a Collection instance, and it returns a new instance of Collection without modifying the original collection. The behavior of the merge method is similar to PHP's array_merge function.
Laravel 5 Collections: Modifying Collection Elements With transform Apr 22, 2018
The transform method in Laravel's Collection class allows you to modify the original collection instance by applying a callback function to each item. Unlike the map method, it does not return a new Collection instance. This is useful for tasks like changing the case of strings or bridging method arguments for incompatible APIs. The example demonstrates how to use the transform method to convert all strings in a collection to uppercase.
Laravel 5 Collections: Paginating Collections With forPage Apr 22, 2018
Learn how to use the forPage method in Laravel to implement pagination over collections. This method allows you to specify the desired page and number of items per page. Get a new collection instance containing the items for the specified page. You can also achieve similar results using the chunk method to divide the collection into smaller collections. Use the get method to retrieve a specific page. Easy and efficient pagination for your flat-file driven content management systems.
Laravel 5 Collections: Pair the Values of a Collection With the Values of Other Collections With zip Apr 22, 2018
The zip method in Laravel's Collection class is used to merge the values of two collections. It creates a new collection with elements placed at the corresponding index from the first collection. The zip method can accept multiple arguments of any data type that can be converted to an array. If the arguments have different lengths, null is used for missing values or extra values are added as a new collection.
Laravel 5 Collections: Randomizing Element Order With shuffle Apr 22, 2018
The shuffle method in Laravel is used to randomly rearrange the items of an array collection. It returns a new collection instance, without modifying the original collection. The method takes an optional seed parameter to determine the random order.
Laravel 5 Collections: Reducing a Collection Into a Collection of Key/Array-Value Pairs With mapToDictionary Apr 22, 2018
The mapToDictionary method in PHP allows you to create a dictionary-like structure from a collection of data, where each key maps to one or more values. The method takes a callback function that defines the relationship between the keys and values. The resulting collection contains key/value pairs, with the values stored as arrays. This method does not modify the original array, but returns a new collection with the dictionary structure.
Laravel 5 Collections: Reducing a Collection to One Element With reduce Apr 22, 2018
The reduce method is used to reduce a collection into a single item. It iterates over the collection and applies a callback function on each element. The method also provides an optional initial value parameter. The reduce method is similar to PHP's array_reduce function. Examples are provided to demonstrate the basic usage of the reduce method, including getting the sum and difference of elements in a collection. An example is also given to show how to get the product of each item in a collection.