
In Laravel

Laravel Artisan Migration Command: The migrate:reset Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the migrate:reset command in Laravel to roll back all the migrations in your application. Customize the behavior of the reset using options such as specifying the database connection, running in a production environment, or displaying SQL queries without actually performing any operations. Follow the provided examples to understand how to use the command with different options.
Laravel Artisan Migration Command: The migrate:rollback Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the migrate:rollback command in Laravel to undo the last database migration. This command supports various options and flags, such as specifying a custom database connection, forcing migrations in a production environment, or previewing the SQL queries that would be executed. Check out the provided examples to see how to use these options effectively. The migrate:rollback command automatically reverts the migrations with the highest batch number, removing any migrations with the same highest batch number.
Laravel Artisan Migration Command: The migrate:status Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to check the status of each migration using the migrate:status command in Laravel. This command displays a table with indicators for each migration, showing whether it has been executed or not. You can also customize the command with options to check migrations on different database connections and in different locations. For convenience, default values are provided for the database connection and migrations path options.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:failed Command

Dec 7, 2016

The queue:failed command in Laravel allows you to easily list all failed queue jobs stored in the failed_jobs database table. When executed, the command displays a table with details including the job ID, queue connection, job class, and failure date. In case there are no failed jobs, the command outputs a message indicating it.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:failed-table Command

Dec 7, 2016

The queue:failed-table command helps create a migration for the failed_jobs database table, which functions to track failed queue jobs. Running this command multiple times generates multiple migrations, so make sure to change the table name in additional migration files to prevent errors during the migrate command.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:flush Command

Dec 7, 2016

The queue:flush command can be used to easily clear the log of failed queue jobs. By calling this command, all entries from the failed_jobs database table will be removed. This can be achieved using the flush method on the configured FailedJobProviderInterface instance, which is bound to the key queue.failed in the service container. An equivalent PHP method call would be app('queue.failed')->flush().
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:forget Command

Dec 7, 2016

The queue:forget command in Laravel allows you to remove a single failed queue job entry from the failed_jobs database table. You can pass the job ID as an argument to the command, and it will delete the corresponding entry. If successful, it will display "Failed job deleted successfully!" and if no job matches the given ID, it will show "No failed job matches the given ID.". Alternatively, you can use the forget method on the Illuminate\Queue\Failed\FailedJobProviderInterface instance to accomplish the same task programmatically.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:listen Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the queue:listen command in Laravel to process jobs from the job queue. Customize the command using options such as connection, queue, memory, timeout, sleep, and tries. By default, the queue:listen command will attempt to run a job indefinitely. You can also prioritize queues by specifying multiple queues in the --queue option. Examples of using the command with different options are provided.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:restart Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to restart daemon queue workers using the queue:restart command in Laravel. This command ensures that the workers restart after completing their current job. It is simple to use and requires no options or parameters.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:retry Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to use the versatile queue:retry command in Laravel to retry failed jobs. Retry all jobs at once using the all argument. Alternatively, retry a single job by providing its ID, or retry multiple jobs by specifying the desired job IDs. Improve your application's job processing with this helpful command.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:table Command

Dec 7, 2016

The queue:table command creates a new migration for the jobs table in the database queue driver. This migration can be run multiple times to generate additional migration files. Make sure to change the table name in these additional files to avoid errors during the migrate command. The jobs table has properties defined in the image provided.
Laravel Artisan Queue Command: The queue:work Command

Dec 7, 2016

The queue:work command allows you to process jobs on the queue. It is similar to the queue:listen command, but has some differences. This command can process only the first job in a "one off" fashion. You can use various options such as --queue to specify the queue to listen on, --memory to set the memory limit, and --timeout to set the job timeout. It also provides the ability to run in maintenance mode, delay job restarts, and process jobs one at a time. Examples of calling the queue:work command include running it in daemon mode, forcing it to run in maintenance mode, and specifying a delay for restarts of failed jobs.
Laravel Artisan Route Command: The route:cache Command

Dec 7, 2016

The route:cache command in Laravel generates a route cache file, improving the performance of route registration. This command does not support caching routes with closures as their actions. To use route caching, all routes must be registered using controller classes. The route:cache command is simple to run and stores the cache file in bootstrap/cache/routes.php, encoding routes as serialized objects.
Laravel Artisan Route Command: The route:clear Command

Dec 7, 2016

Learn how to clear the route cache in Laravel using the route:clear command. With one simple command, you can remove the bootstrap/cache/routes.php cache file. Remember, there are no parameters or options required for this command.

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