Laravel 5: Generating Paths Relative to the Storage Directory With storage_path

April 14, 2018 —John Koster

The storage_path will return the path to the storage directory. It can also be used to construct paths relative to the storage directory if a $path is supplied.


The signature of the storage_path function is:

1function storage_path(
2 $path = ''

#Example Use

The following examples will assume that the Laravel application is installed in the
/home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/ directory. The resulting path will appear above the function calls as a comment.

1// /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/storage
4// /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/storage/logs
7// /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/storage/framework/sessions

The storage_path does not automatically add the trailing slash / character to the final string. storage_path's return value can be passed into the str_finish function to achieve the same affect:

1// /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/storage/logs/
2str_finish(storage_path('logs'), '/');

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