Laravel 5: Conditionally Throwing Exceptions With throw_unless

April 14, 2018 —John Koster

The throw_unless helper function is the logical counterpart to the throw_if helper function. If the provided $boolean value evaluates to false, a new instance of the provided exception will be created and thrown. Any parameters specified will be passed to the exceptions constructor when it is instantiated.


The signature of the throw_unless function is:

1function throw_unless(
2 $boolean,
3 $exception,
4 ...$parameters

#Example Use

In the following example we rewrite the throw_if example to use the throw_unless function. This example function will throw an exception when the supplied $value is equal to 10.

2function throwUnlessExample($value) {
3 throw_unless(
4 $value != 10,
5 Exception::class,
6 'The value must not be 10!'
7 );
9 // Do something with the value when it is not 10.
12// Will not throw an exception.
15// Will throw an exception.

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