
Laravel 5: Conditionally Throwing HTTP Exceptions With abort_unless

April 14, 2018 —John Koster

The abort_unless helper is the logical opposite of the abort_if helper function. Like abort and abort_if, the abort_unless helper function has the potential to abort the executed of the running application; if the argument supplied for $boolean evaluates to false, the abort_unless function will abort execution of the application.

This function allows you to perform a conditional check and invoke the abort function in one line.


The signature of the abort_unless function is:

1function abort_unless(
2 $boolean,
3 $code,
4 $message = '',
5 array $headers = []

#Example Use

The following example assumes that some $user object exists with the property admin. The example will check to make sure that the admin property is true. If not, the code will abort with a 401 (unauthorized access) error code.

2abort_unless($user->admin, 401);

The above code example is equivalent to the following function calls, however, the abort_unless allows developers reading the code to clearly understand the intent behind the actions taking place:

1if ($user->admin == false) {
2 abort(401);
5abort_if($user->admin == false, 401);

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