
Laravel 5.5: Translating Strings with the "trans_choice" Helper Function

February 19, 2018 —John Koster

The trans_choice helper function can be used to translate a line of text that is dependent on a number of items in a collection. For example, if you were developing an application to retrieve messages from an IMAP inbox, you might want the ability to display "You have 1 unread message" vs. "You have 3 unread messages". The trans_choice method, like the trans method, accepts an array of replacements that can be used to dynamically build out the translated string.

Replacements are passed as a key/value pair. The replacement keys will be matched to any placeholders within the translation string. Placeholders begin with a single colon (:) followed by a name and a space. For example, in the validation.php language file, the following lines can be found:

3return [
5 // ...
7 'accepted' => 'The :attribute must be accepted.',
8 'active_url' => 'The :attribute is not a valid URL.',
10 // ...

In the above translation lines, :attribute is a placeholder that can be replaced using the $parameters parameter. The following code examples will demonstrate the results of the $parameters parameter.


The signature of the trans_choice method is:

1function trans_choice(
2 $key, // The translation text key.
3 $number, // The number of items.
4 array $replace = [], // The replacements to make.
5 $locale = null // An optional locale to use.

#Example Use

For this section, we will create a new file at /resources/lang/en/plural.php:

3return [
4 'books' => 'There is one book.|There are :count books.',

We can observe the results of the trans_choice method with the following examples

1// Get the translated text for one item.
2$oneItem = trans_choice('plural.books', 1);
4// Get the translated text for two items.
5$multipleItems = trans_choice('plural.books', 2);

Important: The $number parameter is required every time the trans_choice method is invoked even if you are translating a collection containing one item.

After the above code has executed, the $oneItem variable would contain the value There is one book. and the $multipleItems variable would contain the value There are 2 books..

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