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The flip method will return a new Collection instance where are the all the collection item's keys have been exchanged with their corresponding values. The behavior of the flip method is similar to PHP's array_flip function.public function...


The every method is used to determine if each element of the collection passes a given truth test. The every method can accept either a callback function to perform the truth test, or an operator and comparison value.


The keyBy method is used to create a new Collection instance where the keys of the new key/value pairs are determined by a $keyBy callback function (a string value can also be supplied instead of a function). The signature of the callback function...


The map method applies a given $callback to each item in the collection. The $callback can modify the item which will be added to a new collection. The map method does not modify the original collection, but returns a new collection instance with...


…ShowResults in our UsersController . We can express this in our routes.php file like this: The Paginator::getPageName() will just add the default pagination page name in our route, which is page by default. The {page} part is a placeholder and...


This is part two of two in a series of posts on how to create a custom pagination view in Laravel. Before reading this part, it is highly recommended that your first read Part One: Creating a Custom Pagination View in Laravel of this series. In...


In order to supply extra headers we must also provide an argument for $status and then supply an argument for $headers : The following image shows the results of a request that contains the request headers. You can see that the Laravel header is...

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