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The signature of the get method is:
Retrieving values from a Fluent instance: The $default value is evaluated using the value helper function, meaning that it can be the result of a function:
If we look at the following code example, one might be tempted to say that the value of $message would be Hello, world! , but that would be incorrect: However, that would be incorrect. It is important to remember that the Fluent object is an...
The getAttributes method simply returns an array containing all key/value pairs, representing the underlying data contained within the Fluent instance.
The signature of the getAttributes method is: public function getAttributes();
After the following code is executed: The $attributes variable would look have a value similar to the following:
The toArray method returns the exact same values as the getAttributes method; the results of the toArray method will return an array with all of the key/value pairs of the Fluent instance.
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