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The following examples demonstrate how to use the divide method separate an array into its key and value components: The final result would be:


The array_divide function is a shortcut to calling Arr::divide . This function is declared in the global namespace.


The following example shows how to resolve an instance of "Illuminate\Config\Repository" from the Service Container: After the above code has executed, the value of $configRepository will be, by default, an instance of...


The config function can be used to set configuration values if the provided $key is an array, and no $default value is supplied (or the $default value supplied is null ). If multiple items are passed in the array, all key/value pairs will added to...


The config function can even be used to retrieve configuration values, as long as the provided $key is not an array and not null . A $default value can be supplied that will be returned if the configuration $key does not exist. The following...

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