Laravel 5.5 String Helper Function: before Nov 27, 2017
The before method in Laravel's Illuminate\Support\Str class allows you to retrieve a portion of a string before the first occurrence of a specified character. It is useful for parsing URL query strings or extracting substrings. For example, Str::before('', '?') would return "".
Laravel 5.5 String Helper Function: camel_case Nov 27, 2017
The camel method in Laravel's Str class converts a string to camel case, where each word starts with a capitalized letter, except the first character, which is lowercased. It ignores special characters and spaces. The camel_case function is a shorthand for using Str::camel globally.
Laravel 5.5 String Helper Function: studly Nov 27, 2017
Learn how to format text using studly caps in Laravel. Studly caps removes word separators and capitalizes the first letter of each word. See examples of how the studly method works and how it can be used to generate Pascal Cased style strings. Also, find out about the global studly_case helper function that calls the Str::studly method.