
In Laravel 5

Laravel 5: Excluding Items From an Array With except

Apr 11, 2018

Learn how to use the except helper method in Laravel to retrieve key/value pairs from an array, excluding specified keys. Find out how to use the except method with single and multiple keys. Also, discover the global array_except helper function, which provides a shortcut for calling Arr::except.
Laravel 5: Filtering Array Elements With only

Apr 11, 2018

The only method in Laravel can be used to retrieve a subset of an array based on the provided keys. It is the opposite of the except method. You can use the only helper method to retrieve specific values from an array, such as a user's first name. Additionally, there is a global array_only function that is a shortcut for calling Arr::only.
Laravel 5: Finding the First Occurrence of an Element Matching a Condition With first

Apr 11, 2018

The first helper function in Laravel is used to find the first element in an array that satisfies a given condition. This condition is defined by a callback function that accepts a key and a value. If no element satisfies the condition, a default value can be provided. The function can be used with or without the callback parameter. Additionally, there is a global helper function called array_first which is a shortcut for calling Arr::first.
Laravel 5: Finding the Last Occurrence of an Element Matching a Condition With last

Apr 11, 2018

The last helper method in Laravel is the opposite of the first method. It returns the last value that satisfies a given callback function or a default value if no value is found. The optional callback parameter allows you to define custom logic to determine if a value should be considered. There is also a global shortcut function array_last available for calling the last method.
Laravel 5: Getting the First Element of an Array With head

Apr 11, 2018

The head function in PHP is a convenient way to get the first element of an array without modifying the array. It returns the first element or false if the array is empty. You can use the head function as an alternative to PHP's reset function.
Laravel 5: Getting the Last Element of an Array With last

Apr 11, 2018

The last function in PHP is used to retrieve the last element of an array without modifying the array itself. It is the opposite of the head function. It can be used as a wrapper around PHP's end function. An example use case is to get the last element of an array, such as retrieving the value "sixth" from the array "fourth", "fifth", "sixth". This function can also be called using Laravel's last function or PHP's end function.
Laravel 5: Randomizing Element Order With shuffle

Apr 11, 2018

The shuffle method in Laravel can be used to shuffle the elements in an array. It takes advantage of PHP's built-in shuffle method. However, it's important to note that this method is not suitable for cryptographic purposes. In the provided example, the shuffle method is used to shuffle a deck of cards created using the crossJoin method.
Laravel 5: Reducing a Multi-Dimensional Array to a Single Dimension Losing Keys With flatten

Apr 11, 2018

The flatten helper method takes a multi-dimensional array and transforms it into a new array with only one dimension. It recursively flattens an array, and you can control the maximum number of sub-arrays to traverse. The array_flatten function is a shortcut to calling Arr::flatten and is declared in the global namespace.
Laravel 5: Removing Elements From an Array With forget

Apr 11, 2018

The forget helper method in Laravel's Arr class allows you to easily remove items from an array using dot notation for specifying keys. This method modifies the original array directly, so there's no need to reassign the modified array to a new variable. You can also use the array_forget function as a shortcut to calling Arr::forget.
Laravel 5: Representing Multi-Dimensional Arrays in Dot Notation With dot

Apr 11, 2018

The dot helper method in Laravel allows you to convert a multi-dimensional array into an associative array where the keys are created from the nested keys separated by a dot. You can also prepend a value to all the newly generated keys by using the $prepend argument. Additionally, there is a global array_dot helper function available as a shortcut to calling Arr::dot in Laravel.
Laravel 5: Retrieving, and Removing an Element From an Array With pull

Apr 11, 2018

The pull helper method in Laravel is used to retrieve and remove a value from an array. It can be used with a default value if the desired key does not exist. This method directly modifies the original array. An example use case is removing a specific day from an array of weekdays in PHP. The pull method can be accessed through the Arr class in Laravel, or through the global array_pull helper function.
Laravel 5: Retrieving Elements from an Array With get

Apr 11, 2018

The get helper method allows developers to quickly retrieve items from an array using dot notation, without having to use PHP's array syntax. The method also supports a default value, which will be returned if the specified key is not found in the array. An alternative to using the get method is to use PHP's array access syntax and the isset function, but the dot notation code is shorter and easier to read. Additionally, there is a global array_get helper function available as a shortcut to calling Arr::get.
Laravel 5: Retrieving Nested Array Values With pluck

Apr 11, 2018

The pluck helper method is used to retrieve specific values from an array. It can be used on arrays of objects or arrays of arrays. You can also use dot notation to retrieve values from nested arrays or objects. Additionally, there is a global array_pluck function available as a shortcut to Arr::pluck.
Laravel 5: Retrieving Random Elements from an Array With random

Apr 11, 2018

The random method in PHP's Illuminate\Support\Arr class allows you to retrieve random items from an input array. You can specify the number of random items to be returned, and if not specified, it will return one random item. Be cautious when specifying a number greater than the array's length, as it will throw an exception. Note that the random method is not suitable for cryptographic purposes since it relies on PHP's array_rand function. There is also a global helper function, array_random, that serves as a shortcut to calling the Arr::random method.

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