Laravel 5: Generating URLs to Assets With asset

April 14, 2018 —John Koster

The asset function will return a URI composed of the application's URI and the given $path. If $secure is true, the returned URI will have the https:// schema, otherwise it will have the http:// schema.

The application URI used to generate the final URI is what was used to issue the request, and typically matches what appears in the browser's address bar.


The signature of the asset function is:

1function asset(
2 $path,
3 $secure = null

#Example Use

Assuming the application path is laravel.artisan the following asset paths can be generated (the resulting URI appears above the function call as a comment):

1// http://laravel.artisan/test
4// http://laravel.artisan/js/application.min.js
7// http://laravel.artisan/js/application.min.js

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