
Laravel 5: Collapsing a Multi-Dimensional Array to a Single Level With collapse

April 11, 2018 —John Koster

The collapse helper method accepts an array as its only parameter. The given $array can be a single array, or a nested array. The method will then return a new array with the contents of all the nested arrays. Arrays that are collapsed can contain any data type, such as integers, string literals, objects and other arrays.


The signature of the collapse method is:

1public static function collapse(
2 $array

#Example Use

The examples that follow will use integers in all arrays. Assuming the following array and example:

1use \Illuminate\Support\Arr;
3$testArray = [
4 [
5 1,2,3,4
6 ],
7 [
8 5,6,7,8,
9 ]
12$collapsedArray = Arr::collapse($testArray);

The value of $collapsedArray would then be:

2 0 => int 1
3 1 => int 2
4 2 => int 3
5 3 => int 4
6 4 => int 5
7 5 => int 6
8 6 => int 7
9 7 => int 8

It is important to note that the collapse method is not recursive. This can be observed in the following example:

1use \Illuminate\Support\Arr;
3$testArray = [
4 [
5 1,2,3,4
6 ],
7 [
8 5,6,7,8,
9 [
10 9,10,11,12
11 ]
12 ]
15$collapsedArray = Arr::collapse($testArray);

The value of $collapsedArray would then have the value:

2 0 => int 1
3 1 => int 2
4 2 => int 3
5 3 => int 4
6 4 => int 5
7 5 => int 6
8 6 => int 7
9 7 => int 8
10 8 =>
11 array
12 0 => int 9
13 1 => int 10
14 2 => int 11
15 3 => int 12

#Collapsing Collections

The collapse method will also work on collections. There is no special syntax required to use collections with the collapse method:

1use \Illuminate\Support\Arr;
2use \Illuminate\Support\Collection;
4$testArray = [
5 new Collection([1,2,3,4]),
6 new Collection([5,6,7,8])
9$collapsedArray = Arr::collapse($testArray);

The value of $collapsedArray would then be:

2 0 => int 1
3 1 => int 2
4 2 => int 3
5 3 => int 4
6 4 => int 5
7 5 => int 6
8 6 => int 7
9 7 => int 8

Nested collections can also be collapsed:

1use \Illuminate\Support\Arr;
2use \Illuminate\Support\Collection;
4$testArray = new Collection([
5 new Collection([1,2,3,4]),
6 [5,6,7,8]
9$collapsedArray = Arr::collapse($testArray);

The value of collapsed array would then be:

2 0 => int 1
3 1 => int 2
4 2 => int 3
5 3 => int 4
6 4 => int 5
7 5 => int 6
8 6 => int 7
9 7 => int 8

#Global array_collapse Helper Function

The array_collapse function is a shortcut to calling Arr::collapse. This function is declared in the global namespace.