
Laravel Collection Public API: whereInLoose

November 30, 2016 —John Koster

whereInLoose($key, array $values)

The whereInLoose method is similar to the whereIn (discussed in the Laravel Collection Public API: whereIn article) method in that both methods can be used to filter the collection based on a given $key and an array of possible $values that the $key can have. The whereLoose (discussed in the Laravel Collection Public API: whereLoose article) method by default performs type checking to determine if an item is present in a collection (this can be modified by supplying a third argument to the whereIn method). The whereInLoose method exists as a shortcut to using the whereIn method, removing the need of an optional third argument. This method does not change the original Collection instance and will return a new, modified, Collection instance.

The same sample will be used from the whereIn method:

3$people = collect([
4 ['name' => 'Alice', 'age' => 26],
5 ['name' => 'Bob', 'age' => 34],
6 ['name' => 'Chris', 'age' => 26]

The following two method calls are identical in their results:

1$collectionA = $people->whereIn('age', ['26'], false);
2$collectionB = $people->whereInLoose('age', ['26']);