
Laravel Collection Public API: random

November 30, 2016 —John Koster

random($amount = 1)

The random method will retrieve a random $amount of items from the collection. By default, the random method will return only one item, however a different $amount can be passed in to change the number of items returned. If the number of items returned is greater than one, a Collection instance is returned. If the number of items returned is exactly one, the individual item will be returned. If the $amount of items requested exceeds the total number of items in the collection, an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

3use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
5// Create a new collection instance.
6$collection = new Collection([
7 'first' => 'I am first',
8 'second' => 'I am second',
9 'third' => 'I am third'
12// Randomly retrieve a single item.
13$random = $collection->random();
15// Randomly retrieve a collection of items. The
16// returned value will be a Collection instance.
17$randomItems = $collection->random(2);